alice nine. DREAM!!!!!! >.< A very long post.
So nice~~~!!!!! Here goes.. Ready?
One day after school I was in my Grandpa's house(don't know why)..
Was walking around the house eating durian ice cream..
A van stopped in front of the house.. Then i saw manager-san coming out. After him followed, Shou, Hiroto, Tora, Saga and Nao. (Btw, they were wearing the MIRROR BALL outfits..) They came into the house and when Saga walked passed me.. He grabbed my hand and took a bite from my ice cream! *shock* O.O..
They all went into the kitchen to greet grandpa and was all cheery and giggly.. xD They stayed for dinner. While dinner was processing.. Saga and Tora was smoking at the front porch. I buck up my courage and asked Saga for an autograph.. The only book i had at the moment was my red whatever writing book.. the one i always scribble on and with his picture in both sides of the cover.. =P
He signed it and then I was frantically shouting for camera like those pasar malam people selling stuff! "Who got camera? CAMERA!!! HELLO!?" Alvin Lee(dont' know why he was there.. [-o-"]) passed me his camera. After taking it, he held the camera and posed.. So i did the same. After taking the first shot, he wasn't contented. He took more with me! (being a Saga fan, this is like a FANTASY!) I was thinking CAMWHORING WITH SAGA!! OMG!!
After eating dinner, we started taking photos again.. This time with his handphone. He stuck his tongue out and wink an eye and waited for me to pose.. I did the same..
Then after that i forgot what happened.. But i remembered taking some pictures with Tora with my own phone.. He kept on smiling when taking the pictures.. =D
After that they were rushing to go somewhere.. Then i panicked! I wanted the pictures i took with Saga with his phone. I took out my book again and asked him for his e-mail..
The funny thing is that i can still remember the e-mail address until now..
Don't ask me why it's like that.. But it's like that.. >.>"
After they left, i went home and printed the pictures i had with Tora and put it in my file and called Alvin. He didn't pick up. I panicked and then i forgot what happened again...
Next day went to school, looked for Alvin in moral class but he wasn't there.. Then Pei Jinn asked "Do you want the pictures?" then again, i forgot what happened...
After that, my brother called my phone and then i woke up.. No more dream~~ T..T
All in all.. there are lots of parts where i forgot but the main important part is that I CAMWHORED WITH SAGA!!!!! <3333
It's so satisfying to have finally one alice nine. dream! Can't wait to have the next one!
P.S.: I don't know what happened to Shou, Hiroto and Nao in the dream.. Left them out.. >.<