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Yeah.. That's the way we do it~

Sunday, August 24, 2008


3 Golden Rules
• state 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself
• The 10 people I tag are then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.
• No tag backs (:

1. I love Saga~~~~!!!
2. I love alice nine.~~~!!!!!
3. I love yaoi~!!!!
4. I love my mocha~~~~ *chu*
5. I can skip meals and eat at around 3pm.. *shock*
6. I shave/wax my legs and when the hair starts to grow a little longer.. i take the tweezer and pull them! the feeling is fun!
7. I talk to myself when I face the computer.. =D
8. Sometimes, I will suddenly laugh..
9. I like to fart and let my brother smell!
10. I chase mocha in my room everyday and i like to disturb him.. but when i do that.. i get scars on my hand.. O.O *masochist*
11. I like to cook.. but sometimes the things i cook are weird... but it ends up in my stomach anyways~~~ xD
12. I'm lazy...
13. I start to feel sleepy when the teacher starts talking but once they go away.. My energy miraculously comes back! xD
14. I can control my ear movements! *weirdo*
15. I enjoy lazing on my bed!

& the 10 people i choose:
Apparently all the people i will choose will be almost the same as Idiot.. >.>"
Fine then..
Saga!!!!!!!!!! xD
Yin Yie
Yean Teng
May Lynn

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