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Yeah.. That's the way we do it~

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Midnight double sleep attack!

After I said g'night to Carmen last night.
I turn the lights off and jumped into my bed.

After I comfortably found my spot and was drifting off already, to my utterly shocking surprise, I got a visit from Praying Mantis san! I didn't know what it was until I turned on the lights..!

You = comfortable and ready to sleep.

Then, something flutters on your head and face!

THEN! you turn on the lights and found out it was a praying mantis jumping around your bed!


As a person who dislikes insects, I was freaked out! After I frantically threw all my pillows on the floor, took out my sheets, placed them back and made sure the praying mantis was gone then only I had peace in my mind to go back to sleep...

Peace my foot!

When i laid on my bed, my head was still thnking about the stupid heart attacker! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK! Nevermind the tossing and turning on bed. When I was about to enter dreamland for the second time, IT POPPED ON MY HEAD AGAIN!!!!


I really shrieked! Like really "AHHHHHH"!

I cannot bare being attacked for the third time and so I decided to sleep in the living room.. But I eventually went to sleep with my mom! HAHAHAHHA


Btw, i called Carmen twice during the attack. And babi her! She laughed her ass off!

1 comment:

Wahse7en (rOckmE) said...

really funny~~~
i like that red color word !!!!!

remind my sister like say that word too....

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