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Yeah.. That's the way we do it~

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tagged by Sook Yee...

I'll just do it~~

Have you ever....
Climbed a tree?: A little.. Couldn't climb up all the way..
Made out with your best friend?: O.O...
Danced in the rain?: Yes.. after school..
Asked someone out?: Err.. no..
Ate something really horrible-looking?: Yes..
Picked your nose and ate it?: Yeahh~~
Fallen in love with someone of the same sex?: Nope..
Streaked?: If i was brave enough..
Watched a meteor shower?: No. I don't wanna see it..
Masturbated infront of other people?: Gehh~~
Fallen in front of a ton of people?: Duhh..
Been in a play?: Backstage yes..
Written a really good story?: Wouldn't consider it a good story...
Been published?: I'm too dump for it..
Ate a bug?: Yes..
Been in love with someone way older than you?: Yeahh..
Kissed someone of the same sex?: Yes..
Been to a protest?: Nope.. not bothered to..
Gotten high with a bunch of friends?: Never tried it before..
Smoked in front of your parents?: I would be dead if i did..
Stolen something from a friend?:
Flirted with a random guy/girl?: Err... i doubt i have the ability to..
Played an instrument in a performance?: No idea to even use one..
Skipped school?: Plenty of times...
Gone "down to the pond" (smoked at school)?: Waste of time..
Fingered someone (and shook her father's hand right after)?: heh?
Made out with someone you hate?: Never did..
Written someone a nasty letter?: I think i did once..
Cried over someone you loved?: Never had a special guy before so... No..
Cried over someone you didn't even know?: I forgot..
Gone swimming in your clothes?: Of course!
Taken a class you knew you'd fail?: Yes.. a lot too..
Eaten gum that someone else had already chewed (a friend)?: Okay~~ this is disgusting..
Been drunk with your parents?: Nope.. but i wanna try!
Danced with a guy/girl you really liked but were afraid to tell them?: Nope..
Run barefoot through the grass at night with your girl/boyfriend?: Wouldn't want to.. I'm afraid of what is hidden in the grass..
Eaten something live?: Fish..
Kissed a frog?: O.O.. No..
Kissed someone who looked like a frog?: Nope..
Been to summer camp?: Nope..
Had a best friend?: Obviously..
Wanted to kill someone?: Millions of times..
Seen a dead person?: Yes..

I tag :

Yean Teng..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Holy cake o' mine!!!

What kind of meme is this??? XDDD

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