Okay.. this picture is a poster that i saw in the Berlin Hauptbahnhof meaning the main train station or something.. haha.. it reminds me of YP and her drawing on the table.. =)
Some one left his glove on a pole outside the Hanburg Hauptbahnhof.. haha.. i think his fingers are freezing.. so are mine..
I wonder why someone had to extinguish his cigarette in a tree??
This may look like normal picture of Wee Liam resting his hea don his knees but nope.. He was picking up those kellogs rice krispies.. which fell on the coach and was being sucked by the air-conditioner..
P.S.: My toes are frosty and wee is stuck to the Guitar Hero III game..
LAWL @ first pic...that's hilarious...XD
haha.. i noticed that picture was stupid thats y i took it.. haha
owhh yeah.. do you know what it means?? i know you're Austrian but maybe u would know a bit of German??
Yeah, sure, Germany and Austria have the same language, that's german, ne? <3 there's no difference between austrian and german language..;)
Okay, translation:
Scheinangriff means 'mock attack'/feint attack
Volltreffer-->Direct hit (but I probably translate it into "Home Run"...XD coz it's funnier..XD Lol)
lol.. there isn't 0.o... CULTURAL SHOKU~!! XD Thanks for translating! haha Lol..mock attack.. home run.. so which part of Austria r u from??
Hahaaa..XD Everybody thinks so..^^; Mmm, Austria is such a tiny country, it gets easily overlooked...XDDDDDD *lol @Austria* XD
Har, you're welcome!! ^_^
Um, I'm living in Vienna..mwahaaaaa...^____^
How dya like your vacation so far? ^^
Owhh.. Vienna..!! i was there.. five years ago.. lol.. i'm goin to Spain in a few hours lol.. so see you soon.. haha
err.. so far.. there have been ups and downs.. but its fun since i get to do so many things which i can't back home..
but the things i miss the most back home is the weather, my guinea pig and the other "S".. XD
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