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Yeah.. That's the way we do it~

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I almost died..
Not literally, but seriously!
VANDALIZE got "custom-ed" again..
Which is PISS-I-FY-ING!!

I was so stressed out as to how much we need to pay for tax,
and who was gonna fetch me there to retrieve it.

I've never been his stressed before!
It's even worse than SPM!
And I am not kidding about it!

I seriously hope that they get the order right this time!

I went to school today.. PURPOSELY!
To return my accounts book.
And then there is this one STUPID FUCKED UP PROBLEM! They said i didn't return my other books! Which i clearly did!

And then Faezah was like,
It's like she's trying to blame all faults onto me.
It's not only my responsibility!
It's also the school's or the teacher's responsibility too!
They didn't plan or organize a time for us to return the books properly.

But one funny thing is,
My books were together with Bee Leng.
Her name wasn't there..
But mine was.
So, it's WEIRD!

If they ask me to compensate for the books, i will certainly not!
Damn stress/ed!

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